Hazard Mitigation Planning can reduce the loss of life or property by minimizing the impact of disasters. Marquette County has been active in Hazard Mitigation Planning since the early 2000s. The County Hazard Mitigation Plan serves as an extremely detailed resource of hazards in Marquette County, broken down by local community.
After this plan is approved by FEMA, each of the 22 Local Units of Government have the opportunity to adopt the FEMA approved plan. Once adopted by the Local Unit, they become eligible for FEMA grant funding to implement the mitigation projects listed within the plan. The County Planning Division assists with this coordination to ensure the Local Units of Government qualify for these important Hazard Mitigation grants.
The map below represents the nearly 70 hazard mitigation action items listed in the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Each municipality was asked to determine a number of actions they could take to mitigate risks in their community, and to assign them a priority level of low, medium, or high. By representing these items geographically, we can begin to think about how municipalities near each other with similar hazard mitigation needs can work together to make Marquette County safer. Action items which are specific to a location are represented with a point, and broad items are represented across the entire zone or municipality.
How to Use This Map:
This map is best viewed on a desktop. Mobile users are recommended to rotate their device to landscape mode.
Click on the arrow icon in the top left corner to show the legend. There are layers representing hazards by theme and hazards by priority level. Turn layers on and off using the checkboxes.
View individual action items by clicking on them: a pop-up will appear with a description of the action item, the municipality and region in which it is located, the category it falls into, and its priority level.
If two action items overlap, the pop-up will show "1 of 2" in its top left corner, and an arrow button will appear. Click this to page through each action item.
To see which hazard mitigation action items may affect you, use the search bar in the top right corner to search for a specific location in Marquette County, such as your home, business, or camp.
Listed below is further information about hazards in Marquette County, and ways to reduce risk.
Fires are one of the major hazards facing Marquette County, both in forested and urban areas. For more information, please see the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has some tips here on ways to reduce your fire risk.
Flood Protection and Managing Coastal Areas
The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) maintains a map tool which shows flood risk overlays at a close scale. You can search for specific locations using the FEMA Flood Map.
The water table is relatively shallow in Marquette County, so managing stormwater runoff can help prevent rainfall-induced flooding.
There are many dams in Marquette County, from fish weirs to hydroelectric stations. Here are some resources about flood risk.
Mine Safety
Marquette County has an elected Mine Inspector, who inspects both active and abandoned mine sites. Click here to view the 2019 annual Mine Inspection Report.
Potable Water Systems
The Michigan Department of Environment, the Great Lakes, and Energy is the regulatory authority for drinking water in the state of Michigan.
Source Water Protection Grants cover wellhead protection areas, municipal water, and other drinking water sources.
Georgetown Climate Center Adaptation Clearinghouse Water Resources
Road Maintenance
Use this map to view MDoT projects coming within five years.
Marquette County Road Commission Current Projects
Community Improvements
Tips from Detroit Future City about revitalizing vacant lots
The Georgetown Climate Center maintains a Green Infrastructure Toolkit
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Green Infrastructure Effectiveness Database
Michigan Sea Grant Resilient Coastal Communities program
Emergency Services
Below is a list of emergency facilities in Marquette County.
Ewing, Turin, and Maple Ridge (Alger County) Joint Fire Department
Ishpeming Township Fire and Police (also covers Ely and Tilden Townships)
Marquette Township Fire and Rescue
Michigamme Township Fire and Ambulance (joint with Spurr Township, Baraga County)
Negaunee Township Fire Department
Powell Township Fire, Ambulance, and Emergency Management
Richmond Township is served by the Palmer Fire Department
Skandia and West Branch Township Joint Fire Department
Wells Township Fire Department